Quick and Easy Concrete Planters

concrete bowl

Concrete planters are easy to make, fun, and indestructable. Not only that, but they’re very inexpensive to make, and you don’t have to be a construction whiz to make them. A perfect solution for any kind of landscaping or garden project. Great for summer plants, plus you can change them up for other seasons (a small decorated tree during the holidays, piled with pumpkins in the fall, etc, etc)

A bag of quick concrete is only around 4 bucks for a 60 pound bag, so depending on the size you make, you could probably do two out of one bags worth! (And just think about what one of these planters would cost if you bought a planter like this already made.)

You need two buckets. One for the outside form, and one to mix the concrete in. You will also need a smaller bucket, or something, for the inside. (That will keep the concrete in the mold and make the center hole for planting later. It creates a ‘wall’ while the concrete sets up.) If you have cooking spray, use that on both surfaces that touch the concrete, it will make it much easier to un-mold later, especially if you want to re-use those buckets to make more. A cork placed in the bottom will stay there while you are pouring the concrete, and removed when the concrete is dry. (This will be a drainage hole later when you have plants in there.) Let me know if you tried this project, and feel free to leave any comments on things you’d do different, or inventive uses you came up with. Have a great day! Zikki

Complete directions, along with pictures and ideas at:

Rustic Chic DIY Concrete Planters